Wii u shovel knight review
Wii u shovel knight review

wii u shovel knight review

The one actual in-game addition to Shovel Knight on PlayStation platforms is that of one of Sony’s mascots, Kratos. This game works just as well on the Vita as it does on PlayStation 4, making the switch between games as easy as it gets. Shovel Knight is essentially the exact same game that released last year on other platforms, but the implementation of cross-buy and cross-save between all three PlayStation platforms makes this all the better.


Shovel Knight should have at least had a way to switch to a higher difficulty from the start, without the use of a code, plus an even more intense version available after completing the game. However, this is mostly solved by the difficulty found in New Game Plus, which makes the checkpoints much more sparse and the enemies much more difficult among other changes. Truly feels it they could have come straight off of a NES cartridge This makes bosses a breeze, as you will essentially have endless opportunities at each one without any concerns of losing. Even if you die, you can get your gold, which allows you to be revived at the last checkpoint, again as long as you make it back to the same screen you died. Many of the aforementioned games required players to play through again and again to master the layout, but Shovel Knight almost feels too easy in that manner. One of the most iconic aspects of the 8-bit era was the level of difficulty found throughout and that is one of Shovel Knight’s few drawbacks, at least at the start. The ability to switch between them at will is very easy as well, making combat all the more smooth. The Mobile Gear for example is used to get over beds of spikes that are found all over the map. The Relics have a nice variety of abilities, some that aren’t even used in combat. It is pretty disappointing that you can just buy these Relics after the fact from the Village, but old school gamers will probably just aim to find them in the stages instead. Unlike Mega Man however, these eight knights do not provide one with a new weapon, but rather the stages themselves hide what are known as Relics in different places, making exploration vital to fully experience everything. Across four sectors of the map, you will come upon eight different members of the Order of No Quarter, each with their own stage. 3, actually is very reminiscent of the Mega Man series. The stage selection, while setup just like the overworld of Super Mario Bros. The tight controls allow players to traverse through stages across numerous jumps without too much problem, thankfully with a total lack of floaty physics. One of the most crucial elements of any platformer is control and Shovel Knight is the very definition of expert handling. Jumping over spikes is not possible this way, but the ability to use it as a weapon on the ground sets it apart from similar styles. This feels very similar to that of Scrooge McDuck in Ducktales, with the shovel replacing the pogo stick. Simple short range attacks are possible, but most useful is the Shovel Drop ability that allows the use of the shovel to bounce on enemies and obstacles.

wii u shovel knight review

Players will be in control of the title character Shovel Knight, who naturally has a shovel that is multipurpose.

Wii u shovel knight review